Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Looking Beyond Prejudice

It is hard to live without prejudging people based on my first impression of them.
I never wanted to. But it just comes so naturally.
And today I just realized one of the best things of being able to see the true colors of a person regardless of their looks, size, weight, height or hairstyle.

She WAS the other best friend of my WAS best friend.
And we used to have a silent war. Though none of us spoke, it was evident enough.
I used to hate her. A lot.
I'd always thought she's stuck up and the 'popular' type. Which I used to hate a lot.

Then we both grew up. And well my WAS best friend wasn't my best friend anymore.
I didn't want to bother or care anymore. It was just such a pain the neck.
Well, in short: I gave up on her.

And I started to look at the bigger picture of things.
I made new friends. New BETTER friends.
Found a new best friend that's worth so much more of my time,
with common interests and better understanding.

Then THAT best friend of my ex-best friend started to leave that 'popular' group as well.
She was.. kind of astray.
You know, like you don't know where you belong?
Yeah that feeling. It sucks.

So I don't know how but somehow things started to liven up a bit when I gave up on my ex-best friend.
We started at first by saying 'hi' and 'bye' to each other.
Then later we started little conversations,
then we started sitting together when she left the group,
and suddenly we're like CLOSE FRIENDS! :D

She's really nice, and talented, and cute, and funny and .. different. UNIQUE is a better word for it.
She can sing really well. She has nice hair. She can play guitar (which rocks!)
We both realized that how we used to silently fight with each other was really stupid and childish.
To think that it was for a silly girl who never appreciated our kindness and care.

I hope she'll succeed in the competition that's coming up soon. *winks winks*

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