Krystal the pretty nerd :D
Krystal the unique art-crafter.
Krystal the strong teenage girl.
Krystal the courageous.
I don't know what to say,
you're just so different from other people.
So unique.
You're not like the other girls (like me)
Who'd always care about how they'd look, what others think about them half the time
How they should act at certain places at a certain time.
YOU DON'T CARE about all that bullshit.
You're just.. YOU.
You stand out from the rest because you do what you know is right even when others criticize you.
You're amazing like that. And maybe that's why the school appointed you as prefect.
I'm kinda jealous you know?
I wanna be fearless and stand up for myself too.
But I always fall away and I really can't help that.
And you're not only good in art, you're even better in crafting!
You have that natural ability to just think of something random and confidently put them into work.
And even if you didn't give much thought about it, it'll still end up pretty and good to look at.
Unlike my work of course. Pfft.
You have a few family problems... like, real ones..
but you face them so bravely and I sometimes even forget that you have those problems.
You're always smiling and keeping your head up and being your own person.
Keep it up.
Never fall away, got it? Don't be like the others cause you're prefect just the way you are :)
- your close friend, rachel
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