Wow. I've just realized I have TONS of things I'm just waiting for to happen.
Things that aren't controllable. You know?
Like when you get sick and stuff like that... except, i don't wanna get sick lol.
okay here's my wishlist.
1) get my new up-to-date phone! xD
2) meet my ideal friend.
3) know what/who i wanna be in the future.
4) to fall in love (to REALLY fall in love, that is)
5) to see my sister drive xD (haha that would be splendid. honest.)
6) earn enough money to be able to buy my own stuff and not burden my parents. especially my dad.
7) waiting DESPERATELY for someone to come up to me and say 'you're beautiful' with a sincere heart.
8) God to give me courage to truly stand up for what's right.
9) for my friends/ close friends/ un-close friends/ bffs to realize that hey, rachel/phuiyen/rachox is here for me!
10) to find someone someday that would acknowledge my presence.
11) someone who would think of me when they face their toughest times.
12) to face a crisis and seeking help from God.
I sound so spiritual/emotional/silly in my wishlist eh?
I guess, summing it all up, I just want a nice friend and probably a guy who'd be sweet enough to tell me 'i'm beautiful', and get a job of my own to buy the things I want and make my parents proud by knowing who i wanna be in the near future.
Its really hard. This game. Called life.
But there's a challenge.
We have to live through it at the max! Right?
And there would be twist and turns and hurdles and obstacles and traps and hindrances everywhere.
But that wouldn't change the fact that there IS a destination.
So work your way through it . with a smile =)
and know that whoever you are that's reading this (if you're my friend)
I'm with you ALL THE WAY ♥