Am I like messing things up big time?
Right before my mid term examination, I find inspiration to write my novel again
not to mention my craze for Dream High and B2ST
oh and also Asianfanfics!!
This is not good right?
Why does all of em come all at a time? x)
What will happen then?
Does this mean I'm confident enough already that I can pass my exam with good grades?
Or is this one of Satan's tricks and God's plan for me to learn a lesson again?
Okay this is SO it!
What should I do yo?
I'm stressing not because the exams are just round the corner.
I'm stressing because of the fact that I'M NOT STUDYING FOR ANY OF THE TESTS AT ALL!
Oh gawd someone pls come help me
ILY all
Cheers to unity, friendship, love and eternality (if thats even a word) <3
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