This is Rachel reporting in on a Saturday without PMS ^^
Yay me and yay you!
So St. John's exam is finally over!! and next comes the camp on 7th of July
I feel like another burden is lifted *sighs*
Oh the bliss~
And the best thing is that as a student, I now have 2 weeks of school holiday~!
And yes, I still love you meh besties =)
I have quite the obsession with my NEW story (I may highlight)
see, its linked there below 'Sherrie' under 'People Who ♥ Me' =)
Its a comedy high school romance kinda story and I'm sure its pretty suitable for all girls out there
oops, I caps-ed =P
well I'll be waiting for your kind comments every update
and I hope you enjoy it
if you can't find the link *rolls eyes*
well then here it is! :

Saturday, May 28, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011

My heart is broken.
Yes you know who I'm talking about.
Its my new (well first actually) I'm-not-gonna-talk-to-him crush.
So he's out of my reach,
but sometimes I get so upset =(
My FEMALE geography teacher has his number! *grumbles*
AND his younger brother's number!
And it seems like they're getting along quite well
Its not a very good sign...
There you go again mourning and sulking about something that you'll never be able to get.
Don't be silly ,me.
You should be happy that he might be falling in love.
You should be happy that he might just find someone who he's meant to be with.
And not you.
Don't be such a jerk.
Give them your blessings.
And wish them all the luck they can get~
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Enough of Your Stupidity!
I hate it when I get mad at my friends..
I feel like bad guy when I do and the worst thing is when I find out how stupid I was before when I realize it much MUCH later.
Especially friends who I should really cherish.
I get mad at them and they don't know it cause the truth is that they did nothing wrong.
I got mad at them out of nothing and I always pray when that happens.
Pray that the hatred will just stop,
that the storm will calm.
I'm sorry but I really did get mad at you.
And the thing only I can hope for when it happens is that you don't realize it
and that God will listen to my prayer.
I'm sorry for being such a bitch at times.
But that's just who I am.. yeah?
I don't blame you if you hate me
cause I do hate myself too every once in a while
and my sub-conscience understands perfectly well.
I hope my life will sail on as smoothly as it is now.
I don't want to ruin any more friendships and cause more hurt.
Cause honestly Rachel, you've done enough.
I feel like bad guy when I do and the worst thing is when I find out how stupid I was before when I realize it much MUCH later.
Especially friends who I should really cherish.
I get mad at them and they don't know it cause the truth is that they did nothing wrong.
I got mad at them out of nothing and I always pray when that happens.
Pray that the hatred will just stop,
that the storm will calm.
I'm sorry but I really did get mad at you.
And the thing only I can hope for when it happens is that you don't realize it
and that God will listen to my prayer.
I'm sorry for being such a bitch at times.
But that's just who I am.. yeah?
I don't blame you if you hate me
cause I do hate myself too every once in a while
and my sub-conscience understands perfectly well.
I hope my life will sail on as smoothly as it is now.
I don't want to ruin any more friendships and cause more hurt.
Cause honestly Rachel, you've done enough.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Fools Can Protect Too
When you say ' I don't wanna hear it!' and laugh it off,
are you really just pretending or fooling around?
Or are you really hiding something? And you're not telling me? =(
I feel really left out when people don't tell me what just seems so obvious.
That thing that's written all over their face but still hides it.
Its something like hypocrisy.
And I really don't like hypocrites (no offense to some people)
Yeah I WAS a hypocrite once.
But I've changed because I realized how much I hated myself for being that way.
And now I know I've got a whole group of people whom I've been pushing away for the past 2 years backing me up.
I'm not 'it' anymore.
And I hope its only the same for them.
I don't want them to feel like shit like I did.
I want them to feel happy just as I am now.
Because they did help me, even if they didn't know it.
I feel as light as feather now.
Free of my scarred past and also, maybe, quite recent events.
I've learned to forgive
never to forget, because I must teach myself a lesson,
but I've forgiven
so YiWen, i do forgive you~ i hope we're okay again =)
I love my class 3 Arif and I'm really sorry for everything that I've ever done to you.
And quite frankly, I'd like to apologize to Sonia for ever having misjudged you.
You're a nice person and I hope you know that as well ^^
If a terrible ignorant fool like me could change so much for the better,
to protect her dreams, friends and family,
Why can't you?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
First REAL Crush
Okay time to reveal this! =D
Call me crazy!! But yeah I can TOTALLY remember his outfit!
So to all of you who've been wondering why I blush so much lately is because of this!
My first REAL crush that when I think of him , my heart beats two times as fast and I can't seem to take my eyes off of him and when I just squeal so loud on the inside I can hardly contain it.
Yeah. That's him. Although I really don't know what his name is xD
Its not like it matters anyway, right? I don't LOVE him I can guarantee that.
But I just like him as in CRUSHing like. Not like like. Just like.
Hehe he IS so HOT!
So like, I only get to see him every Thursday..
and everytime he comes, I see him in a new outfit.
Which never fails to melt my icy cold heart.
Yeah. I bet all those people out there in school realizes that I've been smiling more lately.
Well not only because of him its also actually because of Megan~ and Sonia~ and well the people sitting around me for the time being in the classroom,
but I have to say, he's the MAIN cause of it.
He's like my charger! =D
you know, like how you charge your phone, and it lasts for just THAT long~
yeah! Mine last for like one week and right on the day when my battery (heart) is running low,
there. HE. is!!!
On the Thursdays! I just have to say that his brown hair is so amazing even under just fluorescent light. And his first outfit which consisted of a inner THIN white tee and a cool leather black jacket on the outside and a little not-too-loose-not-too-tight black pants and amazing NewBalance white-and-black striped sport shoe was SO COOL!
The second one went like this: Simple striped black, grey and white tee with that not-too-loose-not-too-tight pants again and a leather professional shoe this time!!
Call me crazy!! But yeah I can TOTALLY remember his outfit!
He's so gorgeously charming~
So charming that I don't think I ever wanna talk to him
coz I'm sure the moment he talks, it'll ruin the perfect image I have of him.
Coz that's just how humanity works.
They're always not what they seem.
Besides if I ever did get a chance to talk to him,
I bet I'd pass out first ♥
All the best to You HardWorking Nerds And Geeks Out there! ♥
Friday, May 20, 2011
I Just Wanna Say...
thats all for today~ good luck at studying everyone =)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Your Eyes and Mine

Have I mentioned how I have this stupid and silly habit of just staring at people's eyes sometimes?
Haha yeah feels like I'm invading their privacy but I can't help it.
I just do xD
and over the years I seem to be able to read (inaccurately though) other people's feeling/emotions/course of life. (about 80% true)
Its really creeping me out. But hell yeah, on the bright side, this silly habit thing totally rocks!
The slight gleam in one's eyes usually signifies that they do not have much problems at hand.
And eyes that are only half-opened and visibly more opaque then usual usually means they're either sleepy or stressful or emo.
Truly happy people will smile and at the same time have that shine in their eyes.
No one can lie forever~! MUAHAHA
=X oops =P
Anyway, I realize lately that MY own eyes are really REALLY dark.
Meaning deep and filled with dark emotions.
I wonder why...
Okay forget about lying to you, I freakin KNOW why x)
Coz I'm always so afraid of things that come my way and what others think of me.
Even if I had that shine in my eyes, it would only last that long.. a few seconds at the least.
And it isn't bright at all. Its so tiny.. so tiny that no one can really notice it.
Is that why people are afraid of me most of the times?
I don't mean anything~
Love you guys out there who are reading this and appreciate my silly habit.
peace out! ♥
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Till My End
Maybe at the moment when you're going through something difficult,
you really feel like you're gonna pass out or something,
like you're so darn frustrated over whatever that you are doing.
Cause that's what I do. And I think thats normal.. right? =P
it isn't actually really hard.
after you've gone through it, you'll see =)
Happens all the time huh?
You think back and you realize how stupid you were back then for getting all hyped up over something so small.
So always remember that life just throws things at you,
and you can always bear with them, or ignore them or even work your best through it.
Of course, the latter would be the best choice.
And if you do succeed in overcoming an obstacle with gladness,
you'll definitely be proud of the you now in the future.
And so it goes on..
The pain, the courage, the love, the knowledge and the wisdom.
But hey,
that's life for ya.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Absolutely Necessary!

Okay this is my WANTS in my life and if you're not interested I really don't mind.
I don't wanna join that group(s) anymore.
I want friends.
I want beauty!! <3
I want to be able to study better!
I want confidence
I want things to turn out right.. (maybe not all the time but hell yeah!)
I want a *whispers* boyfriend~ that CARES only cuz my cousin says I should be ashamed for not having ONE! x) An 11 year old cousin telling me that! Its embarassing okay?! xD
And of course, the best thing I could ever want is for things to stay just the way they are now~
Well, maybe that's not a want.
Correction: That's a need.
I don't wanna join that group(s) anymore.
I'm happy because now I know what they think of me.
They're nice to me and that's the difference. They don't joke like sh*t and talk about crap.
They talk about sensible things. You know? Things that make sense =)
So I'm just gonna say that this is a useless post
something that I would usually do in my free time!
That's what everyone needs right?!
The world is lacking love.
Oh what a world it would be if we all had enough love to go by.
What a perfect world it would be.
Cheers to my wannabe-beautiful friends and supporters!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Messing up BIG TIME
Am I like messing things up big time?
Right before my mid term examination, I find inspiration to write my novel again
not to mention my craze for Dream High and B2ST
oh and also Asianfanfics!!
This is not good right?
Why does all of em come all at a time? x)
What will happen then?
Does this mean I'm confident enough already that I can pass my exam with good grades?
Or is this one of Satan's tricks and God's plan for me to learn a lesson again?
Okay this is SO it!
What should I do yo?
I'm stressing not because the exams are just round the corner.
I'm stressing because of the fact that I'M NOT STUDYING FOR ANY OF THE TESTS AT ALL!
Oh gawd someone pls come help me
ILY all
Cheers to unity, friendship, love and eternality (if thats even a word) <3
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dear Rachox,
this is Rachel and I hope all goes well with you. Life's tough here in reality.
exams, friends, exams, and friends..
its as if the problem just won't stop.
but being the cheerful person you are, you'll never give up easily on anything, right?
how I wish I could be like you.
happy, open, and wonderfully beautiful as you.
I hope you'll be able to give me some good advice.
I miss you so much. And I hope one day, you'll be in me forever.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Online blog story
Hey guys,[ if anyone's really there after all =) ]
I've decided to get on with my idea to write a story online,
here's the link!
its pretty awesome if I actually have the determination to do it,
reason why I'm doing it on a blog?
Cuz its convenient x)
I hope I'll be able to complete it by the end of the year,
seeing that I'm busy and all ^^
It'd be nice if I could have a little comments about it,
thank you!♥
Sunday, May 1, 2011
HOT dudes Made My Day~
Yeah I live in a crappy city with racial issues...
And life in cities, as you know, are just so stressful and annoying.
So this weekend, I took a trip to Malacca with my mum dad and sis ^^
Damn it it was so UH-SUM! =)
I went to the new Jusco mall.
It was gigantic and almost as big as Mid Valley
and the best thing is...
there were SO MANY HOT DUDES! x)
and they're all like, cool, composed, calm and mostly SINGLE x) (well, at least I think so)
everytime I come back to Malacca, I gain so much more confidence,
I feel so much more prettier
and so much more smarter
and so much more younger.
and time passes by slowly...
if only life could be as awesome as this every day. (if I lived here in Malacca)
I would be a happy person, an honestly happy person.
with the least worries in the world.
I would smile more.
and of course,
meet HOT DUDES every day!!
--peace out,
the world deserves a second chance, anytime, and anywhere.
And life in cities, as you know, are just so stressful and annoying.
So this weekend, I took a trip to Malacca with my mum dad and sis ^^
Damn it it was so UH-SUM! =)
I went to the new Jusco mall.
It was gigantic and almost as big as Mid Valley
and the best thing is...
there were SO MANY HOT DUDES! x)
and they're all like, cool, composed, calm and mostly SINGLE x) (well, at least I think so)
everytime I come back to Malacca, I gain so much more confidence,
I feel so much more prettier
and so much more smarter
and so much more younger.
and time passes by slowly...
if only life could be as awesome as this every day. (if I lived here in Malacca)
I would be a happy person, an honestly happy person.
with the least worries in the world.
I would smile more.
and of course,
meet HOT DUDES every day!!
--peace out,
the world deserves a second chance, anytime, and anywhere.
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